10 Imágenes del antes y después de la transformación de un padre 6 meses después de un duro entrenamiento

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Llega un momento en la vida de toda persona en la que te das cuenta que o cambia algo o vas por el camino equivocado. Ese camino puede ser en el trabajo, en tus relaciones amorosas, tu cuerpo o la relación que tienes con la comida, pero sea cual sea, ha llegado el momento de cambiarlo.

Como bien sabes, las dietas se empiezan los lunes, pero la inmensa mayoría no llega al siguiente lunes, por lo que este padre de familia decidido a cambiar su aspecto físico, tanto por apariencia como por salud, decidió subir una foto al día de su entrenamiento, dieta y estado físico para animarse a continuar y no abandonarlo.

¿Cuánto puede cambiar una persona en 6 meses?

Jeremiah es un padre de familia con tres enérgicos niños que, un día de acampada, se dio cuenta que su forma física le impedía disfrutar de su familia como a el le gustaría. Se quedaba si aliento cada dos por tres y no podía seguir el ritmo de los más pequeños, por lo que decidió que algo debía cambiar.

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Para llevar a cabo ese cambio empezó una rutina de ejercicio diario y una dieta cetogénica (reduciendo sustancialmente el consumo de hidratos de carbono). Para darse ánimos y obligarse a cumplir su nuevo régimen, el padre decidió subir una foto al día en Instagram son su proceso y la evolución es simplemente increíble.

Él mismo se sorprende lo pronto que se empezaron a ver los cambios

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«Desde que he perdido la grasa que me sobraba todo va a mejor, mi pelo y la piel se ven más saludables, se puede ver mi mandíbula en lugar de las mejillas regordetas y tengo abdominales»

Jeremiah entrenaba durante 3 horas al día para mejorar su forma física, pero no solo en el gimnasio hizo cambios. Cuenta como antes, al llegar a casa, se tomaba una cerveza para evadirse del estrés de un duro día de trabajo, ahora, se va a subir una montaña caminando para relajarse. Una forma mucho más saludable de eliminar las tensiones del día.

También compartía sus comidas con sus seguidores, en caso que alguno quisiera empezar una dieta como la suya.

Pero el resultado es lo más sorprendente de todo. ¡No parece la misma persona!

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??In June of this year my wife and kids were riding their bikes to school and one of my sons got a flat tire, my wife called and asked me to come help. . I didn't think anything of it and jumped in the car without my shirt on and went to help. . When I showed up to help my wife and kids were mortified that I hadn't put a shirt on and all the parents and kids where going to see my big fat belly! . I hadn't thought much about my weight gain much until that moment. . I realized in that moment that my family was embarrassed by how fat I was. . That feeling ate at me. . I knew I had to make a change. . I found the My Transphormation Challenge at @1stphorm . I wasn't sure about a challenge though. . I had all the excuses. . I run a business. I have kids. I don't have time to workout. It takes too much focus away from running the business. . What I know now? I know that my health, my strength, my confidence, my dedication, my hard work…ALL reflect deeply into my very excuses and or amply exactly what I love and value the most. . I didn't realize how lazy I had been. . How INACTIVE I was with my family until I became ACTIVE. . How much of a slacker I had been at my own job…my own business. . This challenge has rocked my world. . I just want to thank 1st Phorm for putting this challenge out there for people like me. I want to thank you @andyfrisella for challenging me far beyond just my physical limits. I am beyond grateful for the #1stphormfamily and the enormous amounts of encouragement and support that you all have constantly given to me. # While I am happy with the changes I have made I still have work to do. More to drive for. More to accomplish. That's why I'm so grateful for the #legionofboom because I fully plan on keeping my standards higher than I ever imagined and I know I will succeed. # ????????? I plan on sharing my Transphormation with you over the next few days. Please leave a comment letting me know how you think I did and if you have any questions for me don't hesitate to ask. Thank you, #1stphormphamily ?? (Before photos July 25th and After photos today December 23rd for 150 Day #ketolean

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When I was younger I was always the guy that could maintain a fairly decent body with lifting during the week and then havering a huge cheat meal and drinks on the weekends. As I poured myself more and more into running and building my business I started to slack on my workouts. I found myself needing a beer at night to relax and unwind. Before long it was 2 beers or more.. Now I'm not saying I had a drinking problem. But I will say that those empty calories stick to my 39 year old body in ways that my 30 year old body never had to deal with. Lol…then don't get me started on the treats that linger around a house when you have three kids. The combination of alcohol and sugar are the worst for gaining weight and basically succumbing to the stereotypical Dad bod. I know now that because I have some huge goals for myself and my family that sugar and alcohol truly have to be a very occasional treat. Because after all this transformation has turned into something far bigger than just weight loss or mere aesthetics. My mindset for success has never been so strong. Watching myself and how much my physical body manifests into drive for my business, my family and the goals I have…I know I won't let a short term moment of indulgence interfere with my long term plans for success. ???????????????????????? If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. ☝️Before pic was take July 25th and after pic was take on December 23rd for a 150 Day Transformation (5 Months) I would love for you to leave a comment on how you thought I did on my #transphormation With @1stphorm ????????????Thank you very much??????????????? #iam1stphorm #100to0 #1stphorm #mytransphormationstartstoday #mytransphormation #transphormation #transformforlife #wedothework #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #bodytransformation #bodytransformations #diet #mealplan #mealplanning #relentless #goals #lost82pounds #150days

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¿Serías capaz de experimentar un cambio tan radical en tu cuerpo? ¿Es este padre de familia un ejemplo a seguir?

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Imagen de portada: instagram jeremiahpetersonmontana
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